Black Belt Taekwondo Benefits and Values
Physical Fitness
Each lesson starts with a series of warm up exercises to prepare both the mind and body. Physical fitness is stressed throughout the students’ training. Exercises are basic, so that each student may continue their physical fitness program at home when they are not attending class.
Each student is treated as an individual. If they need additional help with a certain move, the proper technique is shown. It is taught in class and in private sessions with the instructor.
Each student will gain self-confidence as they train, not only in Martial Arts, but also in all aspects of life.
As the student progresses in the martial arts, focus becomes sharpened. Focus is one of the key ingredients in progressing to the Black Belt level. As a side benefit, that focus becomes a part of their everyday lives.
One of the things that we teach is “Goals we set are goals we get”. Students are determined to reach that next belt level. They are told how it is done, and then we help them achieve it.
It is student’s determination; however, that gets them there.
Black Belt Taekwondo provides a motivation and discipline program for all of our students. Different types of motivational lessons are provided during students’ training.
The Five Tenets of Tae Kwon Do
Be polite to each other. Encourage a sense of justice. Respect your instructor and help junior students.
To know right from wrong and possess the character to act properly.
To set a goal, e.g. higher rank and technique perfection, and work towards its achievement.
Self Control
Important both inside and outside the Dojang, whether sparring or in one’s personal affairs.
Indomitable Spirit
To have the courage to uphold your principles against overwhelming opposition.